Monday, December 24, 2007

Losing my bloginity

This is my first time.

As I start a new journey to an MBA and get some much needed time away from the 9 to who-knows-when at the office, I thought it was a great time to catalogue my thoughts and experiences. On Jan 7th 2008 I start at INSEAD in Singapore and by May hope to be in Fontainebleau, France.

I hope to share here my travels, my conversations and my thoughts over the next year and hopefully beyond.

My ideas and perspectives will of course be shaped by my experiences thus far and I welcome comments and perspectives through the course of the blog.

A bit about me. I've lived, studied and worked all over Asia, in the UK and North America. I was an investment banker. I love China, especially Shanghai and Hong Kong and also Singapore (not in China). I am an economist by training and viewpoint. Nothing excites me like seeing economic growth and most importantly people helping themselves out of poverty and developing a trajectory for growth. I admire the drive to improve, make money and create new products or ideas. I am also excited by new technologies and try to keep abreast of these.

Now that Ive lost my bloginity, I'll be back when Ive learnt a few new moves....


Accipiter Nisus said...


Now we can have fun working out who each other is....

Coming tonight?



phathu said...

Welcome to blogosphere.