Saturday, February 16, 2008

Getting accepted to an INSEAD MBA

Now if there is one thing I've learned from the uninspiring and entirely useless person that is Accipiter Nisus, it is that I need to use the words "INSEAD" and "MBA" in my titles and not "Sex" to increase hits. Now its another matter that once one reaches Accipiter's page they realise that this person hasnt updated his/her blog since the last time the average INSEADer had sex. (See what I did there - very clever no?). Those of you familiar with this blog will probably already guess that I am not going to impart wisdom on how to be accepted at INSEAD. Mainly this is because if I knew the answer I would be writing books titled something loosely like "Getting accepted to an INSEAD MBA", I would then use the proceeds to buy yachts, mansions in Miami, St Tropez, Bali and a new wardrobe. However I can tell you that you need to be someone with an open mind, 2-8 years of work experience, and a complicated life story which involves 2 countries/languages and/or 6-8 parents, 3 mistresses - wait no - now Im thinking of The Bold and Beautiful.

As for the rest of Dragon Week at INSEAD - it was pretty decent to be fair. The amphi-storming was pretty awesome, I especially enjoyed the canto-pop and fast paced "China Rising type" presentation. The Dragon Dance was good and so was the Forbidden Party at the Forbidden City. Now I need to negotiate a way to include pictures that dont reveal identities but I promise soon I will get pictures on here too.

The week also saw 2 panel discussions on renewable energy with 4 Alum coming in to talk about their experiences in Renewable Energy in Asia. From PE/VC to Manufacturing photovoltaics, everything was covered, albeit a little superficially. The message is that this is a very early stage industry, come with passion but only if you have your downsides protected.

Alright since Ive now achieved my mission of (a) writing something today (b) Waging full scale war with Accipiter following his/her snide remarks on my page and (c) Increasing the number of hits on my blog, I leave with you with the news that BCG is going to be grilling 16 potential summer interns tommorrow; we now have legends in our midst as I-Banks have started making their first summer intern offers and I still dont know what a bond is. Good Night.


Accipiter Nisus said...

Snide remark?! It was a simple question to see if you had visitors,that is as phyically to Singapore rather than hits on webpage (talk about sensitive).Just to help me guess your identity.

Full scale war???? I thought we are part of the "two teams, one dream project (copyright NHL)???

Good post though...

Accipiter Nisus said...

Mon ami, over to you.....

makis said...

I have set a nice blog now dedicated to INSEAD!

check it out...